The masterpiece that is The Dark Knight Rises

Words can’t describe how much I loved this movie. It easily surpasses its two prequels in both quality and suspense. While The Dark Knight was more frightening, The Dark Knight Rises had a sense of futility about it, and had some serious themes going on in there.

The Dark Knight Rises opens eight years after the ending of The Dark Knight. Batman is no more, and Bruce Wayne is believed crazy or disfigured by the majority of the citizens of Gotham. But he is jolted back into the public by cat burglar, Selena Kyle, who steals his mother’s pearls, and sells Wayne’s fingerprints to a business rival, John Daggett. This facilitates an attack on the stock exchange by Bane, and Bruce Wayne is declared bankrupt.

Wayne is forced to turn to Kyle for help in finding Bane, and is captured. Before being imprisoned, Bruce learns that Bane took over the League of Shadows following Ra’s al Ghul’s death. He is then brought to a supposedly inescapable prison, from which only one child has ever escaped. With Batman gone, Bane unleashes wave of terror onto Gotham, cutting off the city from the outside world with the threat of a nuclear explosion. He then proceeds to trap the police underground, and to give (Or so it seems) the city to the poor and the middle class, with the rich being put to a trial, and given a choice ; Death, or take your chances walking across thin ice to civilisation. With Batman gone, is there any hope for Gotham?

That’s really all of the plot that I can give away. And now for the characters…

Bruce Wayne and Batman are once again played by Christian Bale, who does a remarkable job of bringing emotion and depth to the man behind the mask. After taking the blame for the death of Harvey Dent, Batman has disappeared, and Wayne locks himself inside Wayne Manor, leaving Wayne Enterprises to crumble, due to a clean energy project that was shutdown. Over the course of this movie, we see Wayne try to come to grips with what he has lost over the course of his time as Batman, and try to come back into the world. I’ve only been a Batman fan for a very short time, yet I really can’t see any other actor portraying this iconic character as well as Bale does.

Anne Hathaway does an outstanding job bringing to like Selena Kyle, the cat burglar. Kyle is looking for a computer program called “The clean slate” which can erase a person’s criminal record. She is a complicated character, and was forced into crime by her poor background. Towards the beginning of the film, it seems as if she’s fighting for equality between the social classes, but then it seems that she’s only concerned with herself. Either way, Kyle is a remarkable character.

The villain of the film is Bane. Bane was a member of the League of Shadows, but was excommunicated by Ra’s al Ghul. However, after his death, Bane takes over the League of Shadows, and seems intent on fulfilling Ra’s al Ghul’s plan to destroy Gotham. Bane wears a gas mask, as the mask controls the pain from an old injury. Tom Hardy plays Bane, and let me just say, he does so rather well, as he managed to expertly convey the sheer lack of mercy, and pure destruction that Bane shows.

Dun dun dun…

Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon

John Blake is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is a young police officer, who believes in Batman, and guesses that he is really Bruce Wayne. He is an ordinary police officer, but soon into the film, he is promoted to detective by Commissioner Gordon. He is one of the few members of the police force that aren’t trapped underground during Bane’s reign of terror, and is a key member in the resistance. His character is a new one in this Batman trilogy, but definitely not a new one as regards to the story of Batman. Even if you’re not a fan of Batman, you know who he is, when he says his real name.

But I think my favourite character in the Batman trilogy has to be Commissioner Gordon. Played by Gary Oldman, Comissioner Gordon is still living with the guilt of letting Batman take the blame for Dent’s death, and for concealing the truth from the public. Gordon urges Batman to return, and proves to be a valuable ally throughout the film, as he has done in the past two films.

For those who have not yet seen The Dark Knight Rises, I suggest you stop reading now, if you do not want to know how the ending plays out.

The ending of The Dark Knight Rises, may be of the best endings to a superhero movie I have ever seen. Of course the Batman films are superhero films without the superhero, but you know what I mean. The first twist, when we find out that Miranda is Talia al Ghul, I kind of expected. I knew that there was something going on with Miranda, that there was something not quite right with her. But to be perfectly honest, I definitely did not expect her to turn out to be Ra’s al Ghul’s daughter, the only person to escape the pit. Well played Nolan, well-played…

When John Blake turned out to be Robin, and discovered the Batcave, I was completely surprised. I did not see that coming!

But the biggest and best twist was the last one. If you’ve seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about. When that bomb went off, I must say, I have never willed a character to live as much as I did Batman today. When Alfred looked up in that café I have never felt more relieved. Even though I’ve only been a fan for a few days, I feel like the Batman trilogy is one of the best trilogy of movies to be released in a long time, at least out of the movies I’ve seen.

So Christopher Nolan, I salute you for making the awe-inspiring Batman trilogy. I haven’t been a fan for long, but boy am I a fan…

Why I have suddenly decided to watch Batman

This just screams “DUN DUN DUN!”

As you have probably ascertained from the title of this throw-together post, I have decided to watch Batman. Not just the new one, all three of them. I have not watched them before, and I was not planning on suddenly watching them before the release of The Dark Knight Rises. But I have suddenly had a change of heart. And I have only a small idea why…


Reason one – The new one looks really good.

I mean really good. The ads I’ve seen for it on TV have been (I think) aimed at the Batman fan, the fan who has been looking forward to this movie. This means it only has brief shots of the action, shows some of the prominent characters, and has a few “It’s the ending” (etc) captions. That’s great if you’re already planning on seeing the movie, and if you’re going to see it no matter what. But what if you don’t know Batman? This sort of advertising is not going to convince me to see this film.

However, the other day I went to see “The Amazing Spiderman” in the cinema, and the cinema ad for The Dark Knight Rises was a lot better. For one thing, I know what the movie is going to be about. I know (or at least have glimpsed) the villain and the hero, rather than just a few action shots. This ad has actually convinced me that I want to see this film. Well actually to see the three films. I haven’t seen any of them, so before I see the new one, I’ll have to catch up on the story, just to have a brief bit of knowledge about who everybody is, and what’s going on.

I don’t think I’ve heard a bad review of the new movie. I’ve talked to people who went to midnight showings (etc) and they all said it was amazing, and they could not find one fault with Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece. They are all normal (To a point) people, not critics, and if they say it’s good, it must be good.

Reason 2 – I’m in a superhero mood

As I mentioned earlier in this post, I recently went and saw “The Amazing Spiderman”, the new Spiderman movie starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, and directed by Marc Webb. And it was brilliant. I can’t fault this movie, apart from thinking one part of the storyline was a tad stupid. The villain found out who Spiderman was because he labelled his camera. That is just about one of the stupidest reveals I have ever seen.

I mean really!?

But all in all The Amazing Spiderman was exactly what it says on the tin : Amazing. It had everything, an actual plot (Which is more than I can say for some Superhero movies), good actors, and a girlfriend who does more than look pretty and get kidnapped.

So needless to say, this has put me in quite a superheroy (I’m making that a word) mood. And there is only one thing that I want to do right now… And that is see the new Batman movie. Which of course includes watching the first two Batman movies, “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight”. And that is exactly what I shall do!

With a poster like this, how can this trilogy not be good?

Reason 3 – The shooting

We’ve all heard about the recent shooting at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora in Colorado. During one of the action scenes a heavily armed man came into the theatre wearing a gas mask, set off canisters of an unknown gas opened fire on the viewers. 12 people were killed, and 59 others were injured in this horrific event. I kind of feel now that I should see this movie. These people lost their lives seeing this movie, and I now feel that when I see the Dark Knight Rises, it will be for those people. It will be my acknowledgement of what happened. So to all the victims of this tragic shooting, Rest In Peace.

So that is why I shall finally be watching the Batman trilogy. Will you be watching it? If not why not?